
Сообщения за декабрь, 2022


 Hi everyone ☺ 😊 🤗 🙂 💓 😀. Today the last day of our excursion and we visited Toqi Sarrafon and Toqi Telpakfurushon.First,I want to talk about Toqi Sarrafon.In the past,the bazaars were a place of trade, a meeting place for business people,  a place  of spectacle and entertainment at the same time.  The building is 8 sided and the inner diameter of the dome is placed on 4 towers,in the south  of  the  city  covers the intersection.  According to  facts,there was  a fire here in 13th century  and that  the fire was related to activities of Genghis Khan. When it comes to Toqi Telpakfurushon , it is a bazaar  located in Bukhara, which forms part of its historic center.  It was built between 1570-1571.   The bazaar also called as Toqi Kitob,because  originally books were offered there.Gradually, the bookstores were replaced by workshops and shops of the hat sellers. Turbans , fur hats and small caps embroidered with gold and silk thread or glass beads were made and offered for sale the


 Our today's excursion was to Toqi ZARGARON which served as karvansaray in the past. It was built in the 16th century more precisely in 1586 -1587 during the reign of Abdullah Khan2 from the uzbek Sheibanid dynasty. It was the largest among several ancient covered bazaars of Bukhara  and the most complex in construction and arrangement in the city.  Until the middle of 20th century, it was used as an ordinary  bazaar,where mainly jewelry was sold ,but part of the bazaar was used as an ordinary bazaar, where various accessories were sold. The building of the covered bazaar was built in the traditional Persian style,  and is no different from similar covered traditional bazaars in ancient cities of Iran,  such as Tehran, Isfahan,  Shiraz,  Tabriz or Mashhad.. The name of Toqi ZARGARON comes from the Persian and Tojik languages and is translated as the dome of jewelers. It  housed a large number of jewelry workshops. Warehouses,  caravanserai,hotels,  shops of merchants were built aro


 Hello guys👋. Today was 7th day of our trip and we visited old part of our city.Although the weather was very cold 🥶 🧊 ☃️ 🧥 ❄, we had a lot of enjoyment with our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.  Blacksmith museum is traditionally called as Saroy  Kulita and  since 16th century it is used as a smithy of Bukhara Emirates. Alot of well-known smith's worked there like Usta Shamsiddin,Utah Sharif.Today,Shavqiddin and Zavqiddin Kamolovs are continuing their encastor's work. According to Usta Shamsiddin Kamolov, every year thousands of tourists visit there and they are mostly interested in artifacts made from Syrian metals like scissors, knives  and different dishes. There is an interesting fact that, the most important artifact kept in this museum is a hoe made from 6kg iron by Usta Sharif. THANKS FOR ATTENDING EVERYONE ☺ 😊 😀. 

Day 6.Prison and Bolo Hovuz 🕌.

 Hi dears, 👋 👋 👋. Today we have our excursion in Zindan(prison) of the historical Ark fortress which is located at the back of palace. There we got to know a lot of information about management system of Bukhara Emirates from 1800 to 1900. In the Emirate of Bukhara a certain system of management of military forces was formed. Emir was the head of form. According to written sources of 1830s there were 1900 soldiers in the Emirate. Besides this ,there were positions of pansadboshi,yuzboshi,ellikboshi,ònboshi and miroxir who were the head of units.In the Emirates of Bukhara in the first half of 19th century a unit of 500 soldiers was led by pansadboshi, a unit of 100 was led by yuzboshi.The most prominent military titles were sarkarda,amirlashkar,dodxoh,mingboshi. Speaking about the prison, there are different rooms for different people.For example, a debtor cell for people who didn't pay their debt.Also there is a cell known as kanakhona or bug pit -6,5m deep pit covered with iron

4th day of our practice.

 Hello guys ☺ 🤗 💓 💛 .Now we will talk about Lyabi Khouz complex.Our 4th day of excursion was very fantastic 👌.   Here you can find some photos of that complex. Let's start  🌟  Lyabi Houz "the coast of the reservoire" is one of the trade squares located in the center of the complex.It was built in 1620 and comprises of 3 monumental buildings.Kukeldash madrasah(1568-1569) in the north being the biguest in the city and 2 other religious buildings:Khanakah Nadyr Devanbegi and Nadyr Devanbegi Madrasah.These are constructed around 1620. Kukeldash Madrasah was constructed during the rule of Abdullah Khan  the second.  It has 160 premises located on 2storeys along the perimeter of the front yard.  Nadyr Devanbegi madrasah.  Originally the madrasah was built as a caravan sarai.  However at the opening ceremony Imamkuli Khan following the advice of Sufi sheikhs had congratulated 🎊 his minister with successful completion of the construction "in the honor of Allah" an

5th day of our practice.

Hi everyone ☺ 😊 🤗 🙂. I am going to share my thoughts with you. We had our excursion in an ancient art gallery. Let's watch some of the paintings and I try to give extra information about them.  This is the best work I've watched in exhibition. You can see the destruction of old city.But ,the mixture of colors made me surprised. They are just great. From the history, you know that Genghis Khan tried to invade our country and destroyed most part of old cities.He decided to burn the city, but according to a legend, when he saw the Minarai Kalan,his cap felt down while he was looking at the top of tower.After that he thought not to destroy this city. 😢  This painting is made by Gavrilov in 1944. This is a painting called "Under the old plane tree". Here you can see a mother carrying her baby on her hands sitting under the old tree.I think here the painter wanted to describe how kind mother is uzbek woman.  This is painted by Akhramov in 1981. This is TAMARAXONIM. She

Mosque Magoki Attori.

 Hi dears.😇🤗.Today was one of the most effective days in my practice.I learned a lot about mosque 🕌 Magoki Attari. I wanted to share my experience with you.  There is an interesting historical fact that,Narshahi (the tenth century historian) claims that in ancient times a mosque Mokh( moon) was built on the place of the fire worshippers' temple.  After eighth century when Arabic conquested our country, they changed Mokh mosque to Jome  Mosque. 🕌 🕌 🕌    THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION MY DEARS.I HOPE YOU WILL LIKE THIS. 👍 👌 🙂 😊